Make commands

The set of commands available in the Makefile.


command description
make run (make) Start the development server
make stop Stop docker containers
make clean Clean up of docker containers
make bash Interactive shell inside the running container (the command can be executed only if the server is running e.g. after make run)
make upgrade Upgrade dependencies


command description
make test Run the pytest suite inside docker
make mypy Run mypy for type checking
make black Run black code formatter
make lint Run flake8 (All the settings for flake8 can be customized in .flake8 file)
make profile Run py-spy sampling profiler. It defaults to 60 seconds. Can be change by adding the TIME variable. eg make profile TIME=30


Next commands are available if you have not disabled postgres option when creating a project:

command description
make migrations Generate a new migration
make migrate Apply migrations
make psql Connect to the postgres inside running container


command description
make doc Generate a sphinx documentation